If you’re under 18, you may need to obtain working papers (officially called Employment/Age Certificates) in order to legally be able to work. You may be able to get the form at school. Otherwise, you can get one at your state Department of Labor.
Child labor permits (also known as “work permits”) are required for the lawful employment of minors under 18 years of age in work in connection with the business, trade, or profession of an employer.
Every child labor permit issued under the authority of Wis. Stat. § 103.70 shall also constitute a certificate of age under Wis. Stat. § 103.75, as long as the minor named in the permit continues in the employ of the employer named on the permit. Should the ownership of the business change, the minor would need to obtain a new work perm
What next?
If you are going to school, check with your Guidance Office for help in getting working papers. Or visit Wisconsin’s Labor Department online resources:

Sally Scheidegger
Sally has 25 years of experience in education and employment. She enjoys working as a trainer in the Skills to Pay the Bills area and in the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) supported employment model