Wisconsin Promise families and youth participants are provided opportunities and access to training and education. The Skills to Pay the Bills Soft Skills Training provides teen participants with practical, hands-on techniques to help with every day communications such as when talking to someone, working with someone, making a decision, and more.
This page provides information about this training for both participants and information for training providers.
About this training
General information about this training and how to participateTraining Providers
Find out more about locating a Skills to Pay the Bills Training ProviderMore about the training
Soft skills help individuals get along with others at home, at school, and at work. People use soft skills every day when talking to someone, working with someone, making a decision, and more. Employers like to hire people with good soft skills. So, how are good soft skills developed? Through practice!
By the end of this training, participants will learn more about…
- Communication skills
- Demonstrating a positive attitude
- Being a team player
- Networking your way to success
- Problem solving and critical thinking
- Being professional
- Find out more by watching the video overview below!
Download the Skills to Pay the Bills Training Overview – Spanish (pdf)
Individuals seeking more information about participating in this training, have questions, or want more information, should contact their Promise DVR Counselor.
This training is provided by the SVRI for the Wisconsin Promise grant.
You can check out “Skills to Pay the Bills” training website.
Video Overview
Provider Information
What’s New: Request for Applications Soft Skills Youth Training Is Now Closed
On behalf of the Wisconsin Promise project, the SVRI Soft Skills Team recently invited service providers, agencies, organizations, and other qualified parties to apply to provide Soft Skills training to Promise youth participants. Trainers are being recruited to provide Soft Skills training according to their ability to meet the required qualifications outlined in the the Request for Applications (RFA). Applications were due on 9/24/2014 and more information about providers will be available soon.