Be a part of the Wisconsin Promise Take Your Legislator to Work Campaign!
Employees with disabilities invite their legislator to:
- tour their workplace,
- meet their co‐workers and
- learn why their job is important!
If you are a Promise participant and you would like to take your legislator to work, we can help you get started!
To participate and take your legislator to work, just following the steps below:
- Step 1: Give your work supervisor the Employer Letter and get approval for the visit. Your DVR Counselor can help you with this.
- Step 2: Fill out the Participant Fact Sheet with your DVR Counselor.
- Step 3: Complete the Promise Release of Information Form
- Step 4: Wisconsin Promise and DVR will help you plan your visit.
Special thanks to the Wisconsin BPDD (The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities) for sharing their expertise in helping us create the Take Your Legislator to Work campaign.