How a Benefits Specialist Can Help

Benefits Specialists can help families with questions

Families living on fixed incomes struggle to get ahead. Wisconsin Promise can help teens age 14 to 16 receiving SSI disability benefits and their families by helping them meet their school and work goals to better their income and financial stability.

Benefits Specialists can help families with questions:

Worried about maintaining health insurance?

We’ll find a plan for you!

Juggling different benefits for multiple people in your family?

A Benefits Specialist can help!

Navigating many benefit systems?

We can provide a map!

Afraid employment decisions may cause harm?

Knowledge is power. Benefits Specialists can illuminate the path.

Benefits lost?

We can get to the bottom of it.

Want to have more money while working than on benefits?

That’s our goal!

Download the How a Benefits Specialist Can Help Infographic (pdf)

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